Monday, November 26, 2012

Happy Birthday to Me!

   I know, I am so horrible far behind on my posts... I feel like a have ten waiting to get on here.  ;)  Novembers are always super crazy for my family and being married this year did not change that.
   Our Novembers in the past have always looked about like this... finish volleyball season, start basketball season, my uncles birthday, then my birthday, then my grandfathers birthday, then my sweet daddy's birthday and then a day or two (or like this year) or the day of is Thanksgiving.  Needless to say, I feel like I have been running non-stop and once I thought it was all over and done, I came down with the stomach bug on Friday.  In everything give thanks!
   So anyways, back to this post... two weeks ago, on November 13th, my lovely sisters and mama and me went to Old Town Grapevine to have brunch and shop around.  We had an absolute blast and it was a great way to celebrate my birthday.  And I told my sisters and mama that they would be apart of a blog post, so here it is.  ;)

I got a caramel macchiato and french toast.  It was really good.
The best part about brunch was everyone was sampling everyones plates, so we got to try a lot of different stuff.

I am part of a very loverly family.  :)

Left--Tori and I messing around.
Right--Stephanie with her John Henry (aka future prince charming).

This was in one of the shops... Not that Tori would ever have this in her house, but it totally reminded us of her.  :)

Me and my sweet mama.  It was a wonderful birthday and I greatly enjoyed it.

~Enjoy the family God has blessed you with (spiritual family and earthly one)!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Primed, Painted, and Perfect!

   Sorry it has been so long... I have been struggling with yet another sickness. But I think I am almost on the other side, and just in time for my birthday.  :)

   Anyways, Layton and I went garage sailing a few weekends ago and found a great bargain!  We found two bar stools for $5 each.  All wood and wonderful!  Only problem... they were hideous!  haha... So, we had a home depot gift card, went out and bought some paint and a-painting we went.  :)


Yes, those are paint splatters.  Yes, I did sand them for a long time.  And yes, they are still not perfect.  :)


And this is how they are now.  Much better, right?  I am excited at how they turned out.

   So, this is what I have been doing recently.  I took a break from knitting my dress and now I am taking another break and knitting Christmas stockings.  :)  I will blog about them as soon as they are done!

  In the mean time, enjoy your evening, drink lots of mint hot cocoa, and have fun with your family.  And of course, don't forget to thank God for all of those things and many, many more.