Isn't it funny how when you start to update a space it turns into a domino effect?... Inevitably by doing one thing to update a space it will reveal yet another thing in that space that needs a little help. ;)
We painted our dining room and living room a little over a month ago. We are so glad to have it finished and to not have khaki/gold everywhere, though I have to say that certain things look a little shabby now. Gold door knobs just don't look quite so nice or homey anymore, tan outlets don't really go with yellow walls and don't even get me started on the light fixtures.
The one that bugged us absolutely the most, and didn't take long to motivate us to get to the hardware store, was the dining room light... Let's just say it wasn't our favorite before and once the walls were yellow it really had to go.
This was our beautiful dining room light. The yellow on the walls and gold fixture just didn't seem to quite complement each other. So the gold had to go...
The funniest part is the light was out on the curb for about 20 minutes when someone came and got it off our trash pile. I guess one mans trash is another mans treasure. ;)
This is the new fixture. We like it so, so much better. Now we just need to get to those gold door knobs. ;)